Busted arguments for eating meat

People come up with a million excuses to continue eating meat. I have heard so many justifications and, even worse, those who mock veganism or put it down for the reasons they have made up in their minds. Here are a few of the common stances...

"Meat is the best source of protein."

That would be wrong. Chickpeas, lentils, various other beans, quinoa, tofu, tempeh, seitan, textured vegetable protein, peas and other vegetables are all rich in protein with more than enough to satisfy your appetite and daily nutritional requirements. There are a growing number of substitutes from which to get ample protein, as well as other vitamins and minerals. Check out some of my staples.

"Humans are natural carnivores / omnivores."

Based on our flat teeth and long intestines, it is believed that our bodies are physiologically designed to eat plants. True carnivores have sharp teeth to bite into raw flesh and short intestines to properly digest meat.

 Perhaps we were once carnivores, as cave people, but we have naturally evolved over thousands of years. The same can be said for the image many people reinforce that we are highest up on the food chain. After all, it doesn't take much strength and toughness to drive to the grocery store.

"Vegan food is tasteless!"

Some vegan food can be bland, sure. But that goes for all food. You may find stuff you like and stuff you don't like, but that's part of the fun! People have a tendency to assume vegan food is going to be weird or bad and if they're not happy with the first taste, they'll be damned to try anything else. There are many different styles of food, from mock meats to rice and pasta dishes. Not everything is salad, salad, salad either.

"Not eating meat, dairy and eggs causes people to become malnourished."

Actually, there are many studies that point to meat and dairy actually causing health problems. People who cut out meat and dairy have often noticed clearer skin, shinier hair, subsided symptoms of IBS, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, arthritis, and more. Apparently, a raw vegan diet can even reverse grey hair!

"But meat is delicious!"

If humans actually ate animals without cooking up their meat and slathering it in barbecue sauce, seasonings and whatnot, it probably wouldn't taste good. It can also make humans sick when not cooked, so what does that tell you? Ecoli and salmonella are publicly addressed concerns about uncooked meat.

Similarly, there are so many commercials that advertise medications for issues like heartburn and lactose intolerance. Doesn't it make better sense not to consume the foods that cause them, rather than just cook away the bacteria or mask the symptoms of indigestion?

"Animals don't feel pain or have personalities anyway. They are bred for us to eat."

Have you accidentally stepped on your dog's tail or hung out with someone's cat? All animals (yes, fish too) feel pain and are unique individual beings, just as people are. There is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

People spread this lie to remove their rightful guilt when they watch movies like "Babe", "Bambi", "Dumbo" and "Charlotte's Web". Aside from the fact that they speak a language humans can understand, these are arguably more accurate depictions of animals, in all seriousness, than what slaughterhouses would like us to believe.

Animals communicate with each other and are sensitive, often maternal, creatures who don't want to suffer and die. If you are a "dog person" or a "cat person", you already understand this. So why would you think that cows, pigs, lambs, chickens, turkeys, ducks and fish are any different?

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