About the blog

Despite what some people may think, being vegan isn't 'hard', it's just different from what most of us have grown up knowing. It's not 'weird', it's compassionate. We're not trying to be "difficult", we're trying to save animals. It's not 'unfair' to raise children vegan, it's important to teach them that all beings should be equal.

Since most of us grew up eating meat as our parents and grandparents did, not partaking in the tradition seems odd and sacrificial to a lot of people. However, like any personal preferences when it comes to food, veganism simply involves figuring out what you like and where to get it.

It can be lonely sometimes being vegan, but the world is slowly shifting. Now is the best time there ever has been to become vegan because there are increasingly more meat-free, dairy-free and egg-free foods, restaurants, clothes, cosmetics, toiletries, groups and events available and accessible to everyone!

I've been talking about creating a vegan blog for ages, so I'm thrilled to finally be doing it. My intention with In Your Vegan Face is to share food and fashion ideas, easy recipes, and great lifestyle tips to make it that much easier to become, stay, or slowly make changes towards being vegan.

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